State of Environment Report of Iran

State of Environment Report of Iran

Client: Department of Environment of Iran

Location: Iran

Commencement: April 2007

Completion: October 2009

Project Description: State of environment report is an explanation and description of the current environmental condition of the country. It has an emphasis on two dimensions of human and environment (nature and resources) and intends to identify the relations between the short-term and long term impacts and effects of development activities. It also provides the necessary information to support the decisions made for land development, planning and   management and thus helps toward achieving the goals of sustainable development and management.

In this regard, DPSIR model has been used for years by the countries in the world as the main approach, methodology and conceptual model. For years Department of Environment of Iran included these studies in its agenda but for various reasons could not prepare the report.

Services: After a tender in 2007 SAM Rah Shahr became responsible for preparing the State of Environment Report of Iran. Based on the Source book of Methods and Approaches and the conceptual model of DPSIR, for the first time in the country, SAM prepared and presented these studies. For this purpose, the required data and information was gathered from 177 organizations, institutions, public and private companies and was placed in a data bank with GIS format. These information did not exist in this format as an integrated information systems in the country and this achievement was one of the main steps of these studies.